Theatre of the poor of Monticchiello

The “Teatro Povero” has become over the years one of the principal cultural institutions of the area.
During summer, stating mid July, the inhabitants of Monticchiello put on a ‘self drama’ (as defined by Giorgio Strehler) created collective in winter, which is a story of the community, confronting themes of actuality.
Created at the beginning of the 1960’s in a period of deep crisis for the Tuscany hamlet. In a town without a theatre it was decided to put together the idea of a theatre in the square: a form of event that soon became a collective reconstruction of ideals.
The direction, simple and effective, is realized by local actors always with their own productions. The text, in Tuscan, is light and agile that leaves space for laughs and deeper reflections

The event is repeated for around three weeks between July and August in the Piazza del Teatro.
For information:
Tel. 0578 755118

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